Starting each fall, we offer an open and safe space for members to connect on various professional development topics through several platforms, including but not limited to:

Power Chats

Monthly one hour teleconferences and virtual chat sessions over lunch to discuss the year’s professional development theme. 

Connect Events

Virtual events, coffee chats, and/or trainings that usually take place after work or occasionally during the lunch hour to encourage networking and member connections.

Power Programs

Annual learning events that wrap up our discussions on the year's theme. Our Power Program will be held virtually this year.


Connect Ontario is the winner of Apolitical’s 2020 Global Public Service Team of the Year Award in the category of Championing Equality.  We are proud of the kind of welcoming community we’ve all cultivated, which is now globally recognized to promote equality by fellow pubic servants around the world. 


Thank you for your interest in Connect Ontario! 

Connect Ontario 2020